Making an impact is something every POSH woman wants. Giving back, whether it be to others, your community or even yourself and your own friend and family network, is one way to add more meaning and fulfillment to your year.
Making an impact and giving back is often something that is pushed back or put off throughout the year. That’s why we’ve put together our top 5 ways to make a POSH impact, so you can plan and make it happen!
1. Donate
Whether it’s time, money or talent, take time out of your busy schedule to give back. With all your activities and responsibilities, it’s hard to carve out time to give to others outside of your family and friends. Even if it’s just an hour or two, make it your mission to sign up to help a cause close to your heart.
2. Get Financially Fit
When it comes to personal finances, there’s always room for improvement! Even if you are extremely conscious of your family’s funds, a refresher can’t hurt. Pick up a few personal finance books at the store, or take a class. Feeling more secure in your own life puts you in a better place to help others!
3. Take a Professional Risk
Are you an artist? A writer? Maybe you’re a business woman. However you identify professionally, make 2016 the year to go for it. Get that short story published, or finally take a leap and start your dream business. Put something out into the world that makes you proud!
4. Make a New Friend
Sometimes, the most simple things make the biggest impact. Friendship is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Open you heart and your life to a new pal in 2016. You’re never too old to make a new friend!
5. Become a Leader
You were born to lead! In 2016, it’s time to step up to the plate. Leadership roles are an important and impactful way to add meaning to your day. It also sets an example for your kids to follow in your footsteps and become leaders themselves!
Be inspired by our list, or share some of your own ideas! What are your new year’s resolutions to make an impact?
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