Time for Mommy

The kids are back in school, which means this is the perfect time for you to recharge your batteries! Of course we miss all the time with our kids and we would never want to take that for granted. Taking time to focus on you isn’t selfish! It’s a good thing for your family too.

Even if your kids go to school a few days a week, this is a perfect opportunity for you to get back into the groove and feeling rejuvenated. Planning out and making sure you use some of this time for yourself will give you even more reason to celebrate when your kids get home!

Here are some great resources to maximize your “me” time when the kids are working hard in school.

1. Deep cleaning

Is this really number one? Don’t you do enough cleaning? Well call me crazy, but having a few days without kids running around to get behind those couches or in between those hidden cracks may be just the thing you need. Don’t wait till Spring when the mess is even bigger to deep clean. Having a clean home can set the tone for a relaxing week for mommy!

2. Curl up with a good book

There is nothing quite as relaxing as sitting down with a pumpkin spice latte and a good book, right? Here is a list of 5 books that are out right now and worth your read.

  • Love Does by Bob Goff (this will completely inspire you)
  • The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins (if you haven’t read this yet, it’s never too late!)
  • Dearie by Bob Spitz (A biography of Julia Child currently on the NY Times Best Seller list)
  • Peter and the Starcatchers by Barry Pearson (This is a series as well and although it’s not new and technically created for a young adult audience, if you can appreciate fantasy and a youthful heart, you will love these stories.)
  • Travels with Charly by John Steinbeck (let’s throw a good classic in there for fun-absolutely heartwarming tale of Steinbeck’s travels across America with his dog, Charly)

3. Plan out your meals

Maybe you already do this, and if so, great! I have found that there is nothing better than having a menu planned out for your week.

Anthropologie has an cute and inexpensive menu chart that you can use to let your family know what will be happening for the week. This is also a great way to shop intentionally. You will save a lot of grocery money by buying only what you know you will need. Your family will also be able to see exactly what is in the refrigerator or freezer for leftovers etc…Take advantage of the extra time you have to cook ahead or go shopping for healthy foods!

4. Get back into your fitness routine

Oh yes, the dreaded fitness routine. We had a post a few weeks ago about not letting that summer body you worked so hard for, fade away into the winter. Now that the kids are in school, get back into a routine! Whether it’s going on a walk or jog with your girl friends, hitting the gym or doing a home work out, take advantage of a free 60 minutes.

5. Rediscover what gives you life

What is it that you love to do and just haven’t had the time? Is it scrapbooking? Photography? Writing? Whatever it may be, do it! There is nothing more fulfilling than finding that one thing that is special to you and carving out a few minutes each day to do it. You will feel refreshed and thank yourself.

So tell us, what are your favorite things to do when the kids are in school??







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