New Year, New You: Not Just Another Saying

We are all accustomed to the phrase “New Year New You”, but what if this was the year we took it seriously? As we get off the Holiday high, don’t just get back into your routine, start a new one!

With some help from some great articles on Babble, here are some tips for getting into a realistic workout and health routine.

“The Anywhere Work Out”

This focuses on using items that we are surrounded by or using our daily routine to sneak in quick work outs.

Work outs include chair dips (dipping your arms to strengthen triceps), lunges (you can do them anywhere!), jumping jacks (full body workout!), counter push up (using raised surfaces to do push ups on), wall sits and standing crunches.

Ways to Find Work Out Time

A little bit of alone time is good for any woman, and especially mothers. This suggests practical ways to find a bit of alone time to get a good work out in (allowing time to release endorphins, clear your head and get rid of some stress).

Some ideas include finding a gym with great childcare, babysitting swaps or finding a mom work out group. For those who aren’t quite comfortable with the drop-off yet suggestions include getting a jogging stroller, a bike seat for the kids, Mommy and Me classes, playground fitness,

Unexpected Benefits of Exercise

Finally, if you need a little extra motivation to fit in time for exercise, here are some benefits we might not regularly think about! Remembering where you parked your car (just 30 minutes of exercise a day can help you regain focus), your exercise will help gets your kids into a good habit of healthy and active lifestyles too, boost feel-good hormones and reduce stress, better sleep, better sex and flexibility that will help you reach the sippy cup on the top shelf!

Make it your goal this year to create a new habit of living actively and healthy and in a way that is realistic and sustainable for you, keeping in mind how many benefits you (and your family) will enjoy! Happy New Year!!







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