Smart Holiday Shopping

It’s no surprise to a woman that holiday shopping can be a completely enjoyable and stressful experience at the same time. This season, prepare yourselves (and your wallets) for the shopping that is to come! Here are a list of a few tips compiled from Good Morning America, Fabulously Frugal and Good House Keeping to get yourself ready for the gift shopping season!

1. Make a list and check it twice. Making a list of who you need to buy for and exactly what you are looking to get them will make your shopping trips focused and easier. Stick to the list and don’t let yourself wander! Your wallets will thank you!

2. Debit instead of Credit. Especially during a season where extreme amounts of spending is encouraged, it is easy to get sucked into buying what we can’t afford. Know your limits and set your budget. “A debit card automatically forces you to spend only what you have, and allows you to avoid paying interest. Leave the credit cards at home. Let’s say that you go ahead and charge the $817 (that is the amount which the average American is planning on spending this holiday), and pay the minimum payment of $10 a month with an average annual percentage rate of 18 percent. It would take you 133 months to be rid of your debt. In that time, you will pay $840.83 in interest.” (Good Morning America)

3. Find the Deals. After making a list, it is easy to search online first for the best deals and prices for what you are looking for. Check out sites like,,, or to find daily deals!

4. Shop Online. Shopping online can greatly reduce the amount of stress by simply avoiding the stores and crazy lines. You might also be able to find better selections and deals by doing this.

5. Avoid Shipping Fees. This is tricky if you are deciding to shop online, but make sure to pay attention to sites that are having free shipping specials. Or, if there is a store near you, most of the time there will be no shipping fees if you have it shipped to the store to pick up!

Share your other suggestions for avoiding holiday shopping craziness!







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